Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Top 10 Tuesday: Books I've Bought, But Haven't Read

This week's Top 10 Tuesday (hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and The Bookish) is all about those books you couldn't resist buying, but then never got around to reading.

To be completely honest, this list was kind of hard for me to think up. I have a MASSIVE amount of student loans, so I typically go to the library, borrow books from friends, or raid the ARC shelf at work. So, I stretched the rules a little to include books I checked out, but never read, and still had a bit of a hard time coming up with 10. What can I say, I tend to read what I check out/borrow/buy!

Without further adieu, heeeeeeere we go!

1. Anthropology of an American Girl by Hilary Thayer Hamann

This is one of those books I bought on impulse and really only because I thought the title was cool. I know that it's very critically acclaimed and that it's supposed to be awesome, but it is SO THICK. I just look at it and feel stressed about reading it, which is awful. It's just that I have so many other books in my stack right now! . . . I need to stop making excuses and just read it, but that hasn't quite happened yet.

2. Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond

So, I was a history major in undergrad and actually really love reading academic, non-fiction history books. If I'm going to read a book like that, this one is kind of a standout--it won a freakin' Pulitzer Prize. But every time I pick it up I get distracted by a shiny YA book . . .

3. Impossible by Nancy Werlin

There's really no excuse for why I haven't read this--every time I look at it on my bookshelf I think "Hey, I should read you." And then I just don't. I shall remedy this as soon as I've finished You Killed Wesley Payne. (Which thus far is awesome!)

4. Leviathan by Scott Westerfield

Okay, this one is kind of embarrassing since it's so beloved and acclaimed, but I just could NOT get into this book. It's one that I checked out from le bibliotheque, and I really gave it a shot--I think I was about 100 pages in before I just gave up. :/ Maybe I'll pick it up again so I'll stop feeling shame.

5. The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart 

This is another one that is probably unforgivable, and like Impossible, is a book that I desperately want to read. So many books! So many things to do! Not enough hours in the day!

6. 50 American Revolutions You're Not Supposed to Know by Mickey Z

Alright, I bought this funky little book at Urban Outfitters during a clearance sale thinking it'd be fun just to have around. And while it looks nice sitting on my bookshelf, I can honestly say that I haven't touched it since thumbing through it at the store.

7. The Complete Works of Shakespeare by William Shakespeare

This was a book that was gifted to me at graduation. *puts on pretentious nerd glasses* I'm actually quite well-versed in Shakespeare and was super excited to receive the gorgeous, leather-bound edition. I planned to read every play and every sonnet. *takes pretentious nerd glasses off* I have not accomplished that goal. And, interestingly, the plays that I haven't really read are the histories!

So, there it is, in all of its shameful glory. Feel free to let me know how horrible it is that I haven't read any/all of these in comments!

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