Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tune In Tuesday: Incubus

Let it be known that I really, really, really like Incubus.

In fact, it is fair to say that they are my favorite band.

And, you know what? They have a new album coming out next month. *squeals a little*

(Which means they are going on TOUR this summer!!!! *squeals a lot*)

The first single from the new album is out, and I heard it on the radio for the first time yesterday, and it was EXCITING.

I might have freaked out a little while ordering a sandwich at Subway, and asked the dude making my sandwich if he could turn up the volume on the radio. He politely refused.

Anyway, HERE is the VIDEO for their NEW SONG!!!!!! Bask in the beautifulness that is Brandon Boyd! (And, you know, in how good the song is.)

Mmmm. Brandon Boyd.  (And, you know, the song.) Wanna see more pics of him (and the other Incubus guys)? YES?! I thought you'd say that! *grins*



More Brandon you say?!

Okay, fine. If you insist.

I sort of like them a whole dang lot. And I really like their new song. And I am EXCITED about seeing them on tour this summer! 

Are there any summer concerts you're looking forward to? I want to know what they are! 

All photos taken and owned by Bethany Larson. 

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the wonderful Ginger at GReads!


  1. omg, bahahaha! I love you & I love Brandon Boyd too! I am pissed that I am at work & can not listen to this song yet b/c I know it's just fabulous. I think I heard something about Incubus coming to town this summer. Now I know why!

    If SafetySuit gets their butts in gear & releases their new album this summer & THEN makes the decision to FINALLY tour the south, I WILL be at that show! You better believe it.

  2. Hahahaha! You are so dang funny! Is it safe to assume that you <3 Brandon just a little more than the other Incubus guys? Don't freak out but I think this is my first time hearing them. I will for sure be needing to check out more songs by them.
    Concerts I will be attending this summer: Warped tour! There will be a TON of awesome bands there. I am also seeing We The Kings, The Summer Set, Hot Chelle Rae, and The Downtown Fiction!

  3. LOL-just one more...and another- It has been forever since I have listened to Incubus..thank you!

  4. I loooove the hotness that is Brandon Boyd! AWESOME choice! And THANK YOU for the pictures! :D

  5. Ahhh, new song?! It's awesome that they're coming back. I'll definitely be paying closer attention to their release. Awesome pick!
